Thanks to my warm & wonderful friend Neela (
Life in Paris blog), I am revisiting my poor blog. While I made no conscious decision to abandon it, life just seems to have gotten in the way lately and I have not been able to focus on writing anything. So today, here are 20 random things about me...
1. I know the first AND second verses of just about every Christmas carol of note - and the third, fourth, fifth, etc., to many.
2. My Myers-Briggs type is INFP -
Introverted I
Perceiver. According to Isabel Briggs Myers, introverted feelers "have a wealth of warmth and enthusiasm, but they may not show it until they know someone well. They wear their warm side inside, like a fur-lined coat."
3. I stopped eating meat about 3 years ago because I don't wish to participate in the inhumane American agri-business. I do eat seafood sometimes.
4. I learned to read using ITA, the
Initial Teaching Alphabet, a phonemic alphabet that uses 44 sound-symbols to represent all the sounds of spoken English.
5. I learned to drive in my dad's 1973 candy-apple red Dodge Charger. And yep - 'bitchin' is the word.
6. I can whistle Mozart's
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik pitch-perfect.
7. I like my job so much, I sometimes feel guilty. Rarely, if ever, do I think, "Oh, I *have to* go to work today."
8. I read
Gone with the Wind 13 times the summer I turned 13.
9. I am the current guardian of my great-grandmother's secret recipe for
kourambethes (Greek butter cookies), which I have vowed to reveal to no one except my own daughter.
10. I read tarot for fun & insight.
11. I write poetry, but don't let anyone else read it.
12. I'm afraid of heights, but about six years ago, I jumped 30 feet from the top of a huge boulder into a deep pool where we had stopped to take a break while whitewater rafting. I only did it so my kids wouldn't think me a coward. I was terrified the entire time.
13. I can't stand "collectibles" of any kind - figurines, commemorative plates, thimbles, what-have-you. The only things I collect are things I can use, like baskets, scarves, books and perfume.
14. I hate to fly.
15. I've been married for half of my life.
16. I bowled the best game of my life - 186 - when I was 8 months pregnant.
17. I have been known to use the word "boughten" - as in, boughten chicken, the kind you get from a take-out place.
18. I can make a fire with flint, steel & tinder.
19. I've had both of my 'big toes' crushed in freak accidents - one involving a dropped stand-mixer - I told myself, "Better my toe than the expensive ceramic kitchen tile" - the other in a bizarre kid's-birthday-at-a-bowling-alley caper, in which a 12-pound ball mysteriously dislodged itself from a rack and, succumbing to gravity, impacted my poor toe. Both methods are quite painful, and I don't recommend them.
20. The single most useful course I took in high school was Typing I. Who knew, back in 1978, that the advent of personal computers would make 10-finger typing such a valuable life skill?
Well, this has been pretty random. Interesting, though, and more difficult than I thought it would be. I'd like to continue the game, but all my friends with blogs have already been tagged. So, if you'd like to be next, just post in the comments :>)